In 2017, the Rotary Club of Barrie gifted the City of Barrie the iconic four-faced Rotary Clock at the base of Bayfield Street to commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary. As part of the project, engraved granite memorial bricks were sold to fund the initiative, with the stones originally placed between the clock and the Government dock. Over time, winter conditions led to wear and damage to some of the stones, prompting their removal for refurbishing two years ago.

Now, the Rotary Club of Barrie and the City of Barrie are proud to announce the reinstallation of the granite stones in a new, more protected location. Two raised walls were constructed on both sides of the Rotary Clock, where the engraved stones have been placed to ensure long-term preservation from salt, sand, and plowing. The project’s completion has been met with great satisfaction, particularly from the original donors.

The Rotary Club is thrilled to see this meaningful project restored and looks forward to it being enjoyed for years to come.